Tuesday, February 26, 2013

C.U.N.T.S & Oscars...

I seriously Cant Understand Niggas Talking Shit about this bullshit online site "The Onion" calling little Black babies names, when we mock and ridicule Ourselves and say worse shit. Be mad ALL THE TIME. All fucking February I've seen meme after meme and social network post after the other of this self-hate/ridicule of Black History Month (which I can give two shits for) by people who find themselves being appreciative of Chez Whitey giving us the shortest month of the year to celebrate Our tainted history. Like seriously, give me a fucking break and save that outrage for TODAY which marks one year Trayvon Martin has been gunned down while his murderer walks the streets eating good because this savage has been showing up to court heavier and heavier. You want to participate in Their games and awards, you're unfortunately subjected to whatever treatment they feel you deserve. African American/Black actors and actresses still playing the same ol' sambo roles of servants, slaves, and musicians in movies, then HEY you're going to have to deal with Seth McFarlane refering to an established actor like Don Cheadle as a slave who needed to be freed in the parking lot. Get your shit together Black people...

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