Thursday, March 28, 2013

You Need Peace of Mind, Here's a Piece of Mine

I get it, I'm not gotten. People don't get me, I'm fine with that. My understandings of the world and life aren't what we'd consider the norm, yet for one to understand those two differently than myself comes across to me as a misunderstanding of what it means to understand. 1+1=2 is what we're taught. The easiest math problem we could possibly learn as a child. In the workings of this world we occupy, not too many examples prove this as truth. Of course if Johnny has 1 apple and he picks another one out of the tree, he then has 2 and I totally get that. If Johnny and Jane meet and become fond of one another and later on become a couple, they are now 1. It's not 2 individuals in a relationship, well that's what we're taught. Maybe that's the reason why marriage has such a high divorce rate, the lack of the 1? So then if we use simple math and figure that 1+1 doesn't always need to equal 2, then maybe our perspective on life would change. In fact 1+1+1+1+1+1=1 at times, especially when it matters the most. A collective of individuals working for one cause with the same ideals become one movement. Who manipulated these numbers to make us look at eachother as math problems on a daily basis? Why are we seeing eachother with dollar signs in our eyes? Why are we nothing but statistics to one another? Why do we need a number figure to make something truth when 1 out of any amount of people being the total opposite can logically offset a stereotype and prove it as a total falsehood? I guess it's just easier to misunderstand what understanding all of what I said is... Rabbit Run.


Charles Small said...

Because while there are constants in math, there arent many in life and society. A shifting perspective (units) changes the equation. 1 person + 1 person = 2 people. But if you look at it as a team then its 1 team. But if they're not unified then it may be 2 teams after all. But then again, we're analyzing motives/goals/perspectives/etc, which is NOT math at all.

The problem isn't the mathematics in and of itself, but individuals ability to analyze the actual problem. If 1 person wants burgers while the other 999 want pizza, its probably better to get pizza. If 1 person is dying and 999 people are ok, its probably better to tend to that 1 person. In either case the person represents .1% of the population; simple math. But analysis of the problems shows we're talking about lunch in one and life in the other. How can one so easily put a statistical margin on life? I guess in the greater good of things; save 99% at the cost of 1%.

But how often are we actually in that predicament? Does feeding the poor and hungry put the rest of the population at risk of being poor and hungry? I doubt it considering waste is a way of life for some. But rather x% of the population being poor is an acceptable margin, because they dont bother to analyze and assess the actual problem at hand.

1 can be an anomaly. a blip on the scale. 1 can be proof of something else. It all depends on how one assesses the problem at hand. Funny how 1 positive black guy cant change some people's view of us in society, but 1 molecule of water can make them change their mind about life on Mars. Its all about how one analyzes and assesses problems and situations, which is totally independent of the math utilized.

Prime example is folks who are a whiz with the numbers, but are totally clueless when they see a word problem.

James said...

DAMN @CharlesSmall >>Funny how 1 positive black guy cant change some people's view of us in society, but 1 molecule of water can make them change their mind about life on Mars.

Crazy world, but this is America its our turn to decline the rest of the world has caught up, we owe China they dont owe us, but yet we claim superiority off of what? Military and history, reputation, while history serves as an example things can either get better or get worse.

I am confident they wont get better until God bring about a new system of things to those that believe.Because we are living in the era of super celebrity HOUSEWIVES HAVE TELEVISION SHOWS which is hilarious to me, and if I'm not mistaken all of us have checked it out at one time or another.

Only thing I can think of to turn the tide is to teach kids to have respect, u know what they say about bad apples.