Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sleep To The Slaughter

Ever since I've been opining via the internet there has been one concise theme no matter the approach I take; noone likes to really know they're being fooled, and most of the time it's by their own free will. Simple things like one doing research have now become a task for super-humans with the ability to NOT be lazy. Every new fight/struggle/cause/issue/WHATEVER in this world (well especially the U.S. of A) have really been just popular trends to "care" about. Nobody cared about Troy Davis. Nobody cared about Trayvon Martin. Nobody cared about Joe Kony. Nobody cared about Aurora, Colorado. Nobody cared about Newtown, Conneticut. Nobody cared about Christopher Dorner. Nobody cared about gun control. Nobody cared about Libya. No, you people care about making bitches bow down and defending the right to do so. You care about being the president's side-chick, and how she is "empowering." You care about "housewives" with nannies, who drink wine all day, party all night, and disrespect their family with their outrageous behavior fist-fighting and all kinds of bullshit on natoinal television. You care about wanting to put as much salt as you can in your GMO ass food. You care about drinking 139 ounce drinks in the movie theaters out of foam cups. You care about yelling WORLDSTAR and recording savage behavior instead of perhaps preventing an act of violence. You care about blasting your Beats By Dre on maximum volume with bullshit like "dont stop pop that pussy" in your ear at the gym and using that as motivation to get your ass fatter so a REAL NIGGER can pour some champagne and money on you Memorial Day weekend in Miami, Florida. One thing I can say about MYSELF is that I keep it concise. Views may be swayed, perspectives may be modified by new information, but my stance on what I deem important and sacred are always the same. The subject matter in which I choose to elaborate on is always an effort on my behalf to make a better me and Us. I try to discuss shit that we all should care about, but then the media gets bored and starts making you care about bullshit that scares you. This illusion of "freedom" and "free will" to do as you please has got all of you cats out here asleep. You don't give a fuck about equality, you don't even care about your own quality of life. Miss me with the gay-marriage support and bust it open for a real nigger like you're used to doing. The minute this topic gets boring again, it'll be something else which will be the total opposite of equality you'll fall for. Check Your Ingredients...


Charles Small said...

Weirdly how im reading this and was watching a David Blaine street magic marathon last night (the cool stuff, not the standing on poles and laying in ice stuff).

The biggest trick when using card tricks is learning how to "force a card". Basically forcing a certain card on the person, while making them think they chose it on their own. once you know how to do this, so much is possible. Thats the illusion of free will. Sometimes knowing how people will react/respond to events will help with this.

People are ashamed to be honest. We mostly care about stuff that directly affects us first, then that concern spreads outward. I doubt if you weren't Black you would be fighting so hard for Black empowerment, unity, self-sufficiency, etc. I wouldnt either. And thats OK. But thats being HONEST.

People try to put on a front like they're all caring and such philanthropists and take on the worlds causes. They go gung-ho in attempts to justify their own delusions of unselfish behaviors. So they flock to every cause as the powers that be would have them to, mostly to keep them distracted or preoccupied.

Many that are honest can care about others, but have more balance and focus. Discipline to a goal and not just jumping on the next thing poppin. Thats why u keep it concise and consistent. Thats why you CAN.

James said...

Preach Church Tabernacle!