As a youth I always felt like (modern) religion was quite bogus. For those of you who are still reading, let me explain. I never understood the concept of Heaven, Hell, and sin. If God loves everyone no matter what, why would he even consider sending us to Hell if the reason we sin is because he made us sinners? I've gotten the same rhetoric regarding that question, but none of the responses really answered my question. As I grew older and wiser I encountered other faiths and some were similar to what I grew up experiencing. Those encounters, whether through actual people and conversations or reading up on them, have shaped my entire perspective as to what the purpose of religion is and was. Many of them agree with my theory of religion being a very corruptive thing due to mankind, but they also believe it is because mankind corrupted it and not created it. Well then who created religion, someone's God? Since ancient civilizations human beings have needed a reason to explain the things they couldn't; usually these explainations were of some kind of divine happenings. Some of the early religions were (in my opinion) very genuine. Although sometimes there were alterior motives, there was a high level of spirituality present which was to promote prosperity for everyone and everything. Oneness with the Earth for example was highly promoted, which saw us human beings as part of the ecosystem which needed to thrive for us to live. That is the very opposite of this concept of believing every plant, animal, and fish is here to serve us. Another example was the belief in Goddesses. The value of women in modern religion has decreased and they're usually in a subservant role, no matter how they slice that McRib out of Adam. I mean those are two broad examples, but they aren't exclusive to just one religion. Those are actually some of the stepping stones to a lot of modern religions, mixed in with a little bit of prejudice and hate of course. Then we have good ol' sin. Sin sin sin sin mothereffing sin. I try to explain my perspective on sin and how they're just boundaries and crutches for people, but they often get offended. Before the Ten Commandments people knew not to kill eachother, no matter how many people went to war or just murdered others. In fact the church itself has been and is responsible for the slaughter for people daily. A couple of quick history lessons teach us that, so when we delve into religion and it's purpose and mix in a little bit of sin in there, we have to actually examine with a clear objective mind and determine what is their agenda? What has the church done with this weapon of mass destruction religion? In fact dont even worry about it, just go hang out in The Vatican. Oh wait, can you hang out in The Vatican? Nevermind, thou shalt no question thy hidden agendas. Check Your Ingredients before you overdose on someone's God, Peace!
I get ur perspective, and this is what we've discussed many times. Originally religion was mans attempt to explain the spritiual and metaphysical world around him. Basically a parallel to science and it's intention to explain and diagram the physical world. Unfortunately, since the metaphysical isn't exactly concrete, it was subject to interpretation and perspective, making it viable to manipulation and perversion, as we can see today. However, one must take note that NOT EVERYONE who believes in something takes hold to this corrupted perverted establishment. Also not everyone subscribes to the Roman Catholic system, which in my opinion is more of a political propaganda machine than anything else.
As for sin, one can think of it as actions that remove oneself from that "oneness with the planet and surroundings" that you talk about. The concept was lost due to folks looking at the specific rules. No doubt that societies had this oneness before these rules, but to think that was everyone everywhere (that nobody ever killed or stole etc ever before that) is a bit unrealistic.
But I agree with what u say, but it's not religion itself (check the definition) that's the problem, but the corruption thereof, and that's what must be corrected.
I honestly think if I subscribed to that corrupted stuff u and I wouldn't be able to even have a fraction of the discussions that we have.
Whenever honestly having this conversation, I can't help but notice the flagrant misrepresentation of the definitive lineation between spirituality, religion, and church, where the lines have been so skewed by modernity, that many believe you simply can't have one without having all three. It would be very difficult to deny the presence of corruption within the present day church, which operates more for the interests of business than anything, however if you have this conversation with members of the religious communities, they tend not to focus on the negative aspects of "religion," but rather the benefits that having a spiritual practice can provide. While the alterior agendas of most churches become more apparent with time, most members are concentrating on specific human and cultural goods it provides, such as systems of support, resources, and community ties through deeply prominent moral foundations that influence a believer's practice and give life meaning. I disagree with the characterization of sin as "boundaries and crutches for people," and I prefer to think of sin as moral guidelines.
I've looked at other religions to see what they are all about and which one actually follows the bible. JW here, and I dont see none that are close, the people are imperfect but the religion itself follows the bible and faith without works is dead.
And I agree with Candy Sin is not crutches they are very good moral guidelines.
I dont believe in being save by just being babtised as a kid nor do I believe u go to heaven when u die,I know countless bad people who think they are going to heaven lol. Most people try to pick a religion or church that suits them instead of one that follows the bible and has honorable people spreading the word. A preacher should never be a wealthy man or be a celebrity if he is hes coruppted.
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