Monday, November 26, 2012

We The Sheeple...

Seems like every-fucking-time the people in charge of this society need to hide something from the sheeple they control, it's in plain sight. Now I can give you plenty examples, but unless you go about this big round planet with an open mind you'll reject everything I tell you. I'm definitely not trying to come across as this all-knowing being of flesh who drops nothing but jewels when I open my mouth (although I secretly do think that sometimes). NO, I'm just a person who can look at everything I've ever been told and broke down the storyteller's intentions with their version of the story. Who would gain if I accept that perspective as the truth? Words like conspiracy theory/theorists are just excuses for one not wanting to actually investigate and/or research on their own an objective thought to a widely accepted aspect. I definitely understand it is much easier to fancy lies and half-truths as gospel, but I ask that you question what persons or agenda(s) will acquire an advantage if get down instead of standing up and walking away. As always, check your ingredients, Peace!

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