Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Role Models

Imagine a whole generation of children without an abundance of positive males to look to for guidance in a societal structure built to destroy them; welcome to the fatherless 80s. This is a setting some of (y)our favorite rappers love to glorify and would love to see again, but the only problem is that it wasn't thriving. Well it wasn't thriving for folks like myself anyway. I walked to school stepping over crack viles just like any other kid born in the late 70s/early 80s, but it affected/effected us all the same yet differently. That outcome was all determined by our surroundings and influences... I hate to give those two variables all the credit, because add a little bit of common sense and accountability and you'll see two people come out of that situation completely different. No matter the neighborhood we all grew up in America and for the most part being that we are a product of the 80s, we've all been groomed to predominantly like the same things. A lack of a perspective which differs from the agenda which is forced on us leads us having the same tastes, for a great deal of reasons. One of those reasons is because we want to belong; what we want to belong to, who knows? We all develop these "common" interests influenced by outside influences which we have no control over and oops pow surprise, we fucking celebrate those who achieve the highest level of success in those interests we possibly do not have any genuine interests in... How crazy is that? This poison has been going on since floor model televisions all the way to mp3s and flatscreens. Decades of marketing to the masses as to what/whom we prioritize... We love shit that we love because we have been groomed to love that shit, and those who love it the MOST are the people we look up to. Damn... Check your ingredients and make sure you pour your own poison, Peace!


Anonymous said...

Too many people got they own cool aide vile now man… And stay steady drinking...

James said...

yep everybody has been groomed. And I think psychology should be a required subject in schools, it'll make anyone think.