Thursday, March 28, 2013

You Need Peace of Mind, Here's a Piece of Mine

I get it, I'm not gotten. People don't get me, I'm fine with that. My understandings of the world and life aren't what we'd consider the norm, yet for one to understand those two differently than myself comes across to me as a misunderstanding of what it means to understand. 1+1=2 is what we're taught. The easiest math problem we could possibly learn as a child. In the workings of this world we occupy, not too many examples prove this as truth. Of course if Johnny has 1 apple and he picks another one out of the tree, he then has 2 and I totally get that. If Johnny and Jane meet and become fond of one another and later on become a couple, they are now 1. It's not 2 individuals in a relationship, well that's what we're taught. Maybe that's the reason why marriage has such a high divorce rate, the lack of the 1? So then if we use simple math and figure that 1+1 doesn't always need to equal 2, then maybe our perspective on life would change. In fact 1+1+1+1+1+1=1 at times, especially when it matters the most. A collective of individuals working for one cause with the same ideals become one movement. Who manipulated these numbers to make us look at eachother as math problems on a daily basis? Why are we seeing eachother with dollar signs in our eyes? Why are we nothing but statistics to one another? Why do we need a number figure to make something truth when 1 out of any amount of people being the total opposite can logically offset a stereotype and prove it as a total falsehood? I guess it's just easier to misunderstand what understanding all of what I said is... Rabbit Run.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sleep To The Slaughter

Ever since I've been opining via the internet there has been one concise theme no matter the approach I take; noone likes to really know they're being fooled, and most of the time it's by their own free will. Simple things like one doing research have now become a task for super-humans with the ability to NOT be lazy. Every new fight/struggle/cause/issue/WHATEVER in this world (well especially the U.S. of A) have really been just popular trends to "care" about. Nobody cared about Troy Davis. Nobody cared about Trayvon Martin. Nobody cared about Joe Kony. Nobody cared about Aurora, Colorado. Nobody cared about Newtown, Conneticut. Nobody cared about Christopher Dorner. Nobody cared about gun control. Nobody cared about Libya. No, you people care about making bitches bow down and defending the right to do so. You care about being the president's side-chick, and how she is "empowering." You care about "housewives" with nannies, who drink wine all day, party all night, and disrespect their family with their outrageous behavior fist-fighting and all kinds of bullshit on natoinal television. You care about wanting to put as much salt as you can in your GMO ass food. You care about drinking 139 ounce drinks in the movie theaters out of foam cups. You care about yelling WORLDSTAR and recording savage behavior instead of perhaps preventing an act of violence. You care about blasting your Beats By Dre on maximum volume with bullshit like "dont stop pop that pussy" in your ear at the gym and using that as motivation to get your ass fatter so a REAL NIGGER can pour some champagne and money on you Memorial Day weekend in Miami, Florida. One thing I can say about MYSELF is that I keep it concise. Views may be swayed, perspectives may be modified by new information, but my stance on what I deem important and sacred are always the same. The subject matter in which I choose to elaborate on is always an effort on my behalf to make a better me and Us. I try to discuss shit that we all should care about, but then the media gets bored and starts making you care about bullshit that scares you. This illusion of "freedom" and "free will" to do as you please has got all of you cats out here asleep. You don't give a fuck about equality, you don't even care about your own quality of life. Miss me with the gay-marriage support and bust it open for a real nigger like you're used to doing. The minute this topic gets boring again, it'll be something else which will be the total opposite of equality you'll fall for. Check Your Ingredients...

Friday, March 22, 2013


Can't judge a worm by fish standards. Can't judge a fish by a bear's standard. Can't judge a bear by a rifle's standard. Those people who shoot rifles like to put people in catergories which further seperate, yet bring certain folk together. My culinary background makes me evaluate certain peeps cooking skills on a whole nother level, but it doesn't make me judge their character in the least bit. See we have to level the playing field here, and until we do so suck my dick. Now I do not mean that in any sexual way at all, but I do so mean that ever so sensual because it's offensive. See I've been offended my whole life being tested like an experiment monkey with these fucking standardized tests which may or may not punt me into the right playing field of life. Can you imagine being 6 years old and not making the cut for an elite program in an elementary school because you didn't pass a test by a point or two and the opposite of passing is being a 6 year old in a classroom with less teachers and no textbooks? Or nah you're cool with that? Nobody wants to open up that can of worms, because we'd then have to seriously discuss how we evaluate EVERYTHING on a life scale. My African mind wouldn't do well in a Euro-centric society, so when you tell me it's about ME ME ME eye won't understand because my DNA is telling me WE US THEM. Nevermind, bow down bitches... PEACE!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Celebrating Celebrities

Yeah the title is a little redundant but please let me explain. There seems to be this pandemic in the world we live in where the idolization of famous human beings isn't enough, we've gone to the extreme. Some are mutilating their bodies to pay homage, some are even altering their own body to mimic these people. I have no problem with admiring people from afar or near, but we're now at a point where what was once seen as obsessive and/or deranged, is now damn near the bare minimum. I remember getting into a scuffle in a bar a while back (well I got sucker punched and the guy ran) over a LeBron James debate on whether he'd come to the New York Knicks or not. I've been in countless disagreements with people over the years where the situation almost became a physical altercation. Now I know I can be a jerk and I know how to say things to get under people's skin, but plenty of times the person's rage comes from an emotional place that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual argument we were having. They took what I said personal solely because what I said disagreed with their perspective of said person, the celebrity. Never have I had a disagreement with someone about something pertinent to Our own welfare and it became so heated that I thought we'd come to blows. I mean I can debate/argue all day about the state of Black America with anyone, but the minute I don't agree with Beyonce telling young women to bow down to her and refering to them as bitches I face opposition filled with determination and rage. You guys are all fans of the wrong shit. I like all forms of entertainment as the next person, but I'd be a fool to think that my admiration for a person's skill-set is an excuse to celebrate them to the point where I'd place them before my/Our best interests. It takes too much energy to explain to me why your personal opinion of someone is better than the next person's. Why not focus that passion on your community and people, or nah? By the way, my position on the LBJ fiasco was that he would never play in NYC because he has too many endorsements. They'd tax the shit out of him and it'd make no sense to have a max deal. The other guys perspective was "NAH YO, LBJ wanna come to NYC to be an inspiration to the kids." I explained to him that what he was saying was ideal, but don't hold your breath because I doubt it happens. I guess he didn't understand what "don't hold your breath" meant and when I sat down he reached around and punched me in the eye. I gathered myself and saw a No. 23 Cleveland Cavs LeBron James jersey running out the bar. So yeah... Peace!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Gang Violence

So this show "The Bible" is like a fucking super number 1 hit ratings-wise show on television. Now me being the "heathen" I am, youd think I would stray away from such a show. WRONG! This is my SHIT! Like this is the ultimate fucking soap opera/comic book/drama on television in ever. Yes my dude, in EVER! I've never read the Bible because when I did at a young age I was on some "damn Marvel comics ain't even entertaining, what is this bullshit" type of shwag (yes shwag). As an adult I'm on some "yall people live your fucking lives according to this bullshit doctrine with no evidence type of shwag" shwag? Why do we need pieces of paper with undocumented documents by undocumented folks to tell us we should love one another and not kill eachother? What is wrong with you fucking people? My neighbor had a falling out with her child's father and his mother and it became physical, I called the police. Before I dialed 911 there was no epiphany like "what would Jesus do" or "I'm a Christian/Muslim/Quaker/whatever, so let me call the law." It was more of a "Uhhhhhhhh I have sisters and he might have a weapon so let me call po-9 because I don't want to put myself in such a position and end up losing." Losing being dying... That was my part though, I looked out. My good deed I did without hesitation and it didn't make me feel good about doing it. I felt awful because the cops came and another Black man who doesn't know how to express himself put his hands on a pregnant woman, carrying his child, got into an argument with his mother and I had to call police officers to handle the situation, because if I myself did so I'd possibly risk bodily harm. What does the Bible say about that? Before you even begin to answer, re-evaluate this scenario and put yourself into my shoes as a Muslim, Atheist, or Buddhist. After that, take your Christian views and apply to the situation. See, we all in the same gang yall... Peace

Friday, March 15, 2013

Zone is frozen you sweating? Woooooo

Listen I get it, the NYPD ain't SHIT. I get everyone's stance and feelings on the NYPD as a the enforcers of the law, sometimes the abusers of it as well. To condemn every single police officer walking this Earth would be ignorant of me, because that'd be the equivalent of judging a whole race of people by the actions of a few. So I'm torn because I get stopped for I.D. knowing it's only because I'm Black, but if there is a child molester or murderer living on my floor I'm most definitely calling 9-1-1. So I'm going to visit this FROZEN ZONE shit going on in my BELOVED Flatbush, Brooklyn. This is the neighborhood of Brooklyn which has made me who I am today. I was driving down Snyder Avenue around 7pm with my wife and child and I see about 4 cops on horses, police trucks, and countless "walk-foots" (cops on the beat) in a concentrated area. It sort of looked like they were being briefed or gearing up for something. I then realized this is around the area where a riot took place earlier in the week. I most definitely make a mental note of it and already know the police are preparing themselves for something, perhaps another "peaceful" vigil for the young man Kimani Gray who was murdered by police. I fall asleep waiting on the Knicks to play, wake up around 2:15am and I see a whole lot of Facebook posts about a "Frozen Zone" and words like "MARTIAL LAW" are on every other posts, with a couple of "fuck the pigs/NYPD." So immediately the jerk/asshole in me wants to look at this situation objectively, because I find it to be a fucking super power to be able to understand both spectrums of any situation. Now when you motherfucking President Obama supporters were out there drinking that Fist-Bump knuckle juice, he hit Us over the head with a NEW & IMPROVED Patriot Act. See New Yorkers instead of being outraged by such a gesture, you were out here trying to declare your freedom to drink a fucking BIG SLAM PEPSI because it made you feel like you were FREE. The rest of the nation was bickering about whether or not "God" should be in the classroom OR gun laws which quite honestly do not effect us until they basically take away ALL guns. So I don't want to hear SHIT about martial law because we BEEN HERE! What's so crazy is that you people need to be personally punched in the face to know that when you get punched in the face it actually hurts. If this fucking frozen-zone was in a town with population 3400 people nobody would give a flying fuck, but since it hits home directly (in a part of town which isn't even all that safe) you want to cry about martial law. What a lot of my fellow Brooklynites, New Yorkers, American residents DO NOT know is that the police have been in that neighborhood on every corner in squad cars from 4pm-10pm (roughly) because a young woman was raped and people were being robbed at gunpoint, some even shot. The police aren't enforcing these frozen-zone rules in areas which scream "WE ARE SAFE HERE AT DAY OR NIGHT." Church Ave is not a safe street to walk down after a certain time of night, and the fucking people who live in that neighborhood can tell you this. I've witnessed some of the most violent shit on Church Avenue and I've served in IRAQ. Furthermore, lets not get besides ourselves because WE as citizens cannot/refuse to police ourselves! This is the same community that will watch a Black kid kill another Black kid and put the victim on a t-shirt, wall, or throw a party in the kids name or dedicate a basketball tournament for them AND say "free my nigga _______" who fucking murdered him. The minute a White cop kills a Black kid we're robbing fucking Rite Aid where our grandmother buys her meds from to stay alive and break the windows on the B35 bus we use to get to work & school. For those of you reading this and thinking to yourself "well that ain't me out there rioting and blah blah blah..." Well guess what, you let them. We didn't self-check that in OUR community so now somebody else has to. I don't give a fuck, freeze every zone. If you think I'm full of shit, I DARE all of these criminals out there to NOT commit a crime this weekend. PEACE!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

This Is Why I Can't Rock With You Cats

About one month ago there was (allegedly) a savage running around Los Angeles County murking police officers and their family members. Being that we as humans love to flock to a movement because we're groomed to never want to be an outsider, a lot of my fellow Man agreed with the actions of this supposed cop killer because he was rebelling against the LAPD. I'm not about to explain to you why you cannot hate a whole group of people because of the actions of individuals, but if you don't understand that then please remove yourself from this blog. So now we have this Rambo-esque cat on the run shooting people and now the citizens are getting shot at because the LAPD is scared to death and shooting to kill anyone who resembles this alleged murderer. The police department is looking incompetent because they cannot find this one guy, so other federal agencies get involved to find this one guy. This one guy is just way too elusive for all these federal agents so the idea of using DRONES  to hunt down U.S. citizens is introduced. See the use of DRONES to hunt down the "enemy," noone has a problem with because this is all done to "protect us" citizens from terrorists a fucking continent away. No matter how inhumane this practice may seem, the force-feeding of never forgetting 9/11 eventually makes it's way into our sub-conscious and we justify this bullshit. So now that we have painted a picture a domestic terrorist (whom some have agreed with and supported, even arguing how the shooting of innocent people is okay although they themselves wouldn't do it because it's wrong) the DRONES are not out of the question, because we're scared to death as a whole. They find this man in a cabin and there is no mention of whether or not the DRONES were the reason why. I mean at this point it probably doesn't matter because we caught the guy, but for some reason there will be no trial because they actually burned this man to death. There was and still is no uproar about this man getting burned alive and I want to assume there are a couple of reasons why. First is the obvious which is the suspect was Black/African-American. Second, Scandal is on T.V. and nobody has time to be worried about themselves and fellow citizens. Lastly, I don't think everyone is smart enough to decipher what actually was wrong with this whole situation and what made it bogus. Oh yeah, New York City residents just spotted another DRONE flying over the city; the second one in a couple of days. Enjoy the Pope Madness and March Madness, I'll be over here paying attention... Peace.

Monday, March 11, 2013

All aboard!!

Currently on the Amtrak Acela Express heading to Philly. Why?? Cuz I have an interview with a company that can change me life as I know it.

Seems drastic to most I'm sure to travel this far for a job but guess what, and a career is what I'm after and I'm not special enough to have it simply dropped in my lap. But sometimes when you put it out there, up there, pray, wish, hope whatever it is that you do...sometimes, and most sometimes, the universe talks back. Are you listening??

So I choose not ignore the jobs that add time to my commute and would rquire me to get up an hour earlier. And I read the postings for OT and even OC. And as I sit on this train I realize that my motivations for doing this, right now, are bigger than me. I'm thinking about kids to come, and education systems, and health and emergency care and opportunities and lack of limitations that my concrete jungle in the middle of a mad/crowded/consuming city sometimes restricts.

Not bashing where I'm from, it's made me who I am. But I can't do paycheck to paycheck just to maintain my independence and I just don't see living in moms basement with hubby and child as a permanent way to go. (In between gigs, Unexpected lay off, Saving for a house cool months tops though). And many front like its the best thing ever, but depending on what you want in/from life, there are downsides to this big city living that will forever stand in your way. And the lights and buildings do nothing for me any more. I crave peaceful, serene, quiet when it should be, and civility amongst neighbors, as equal equal opportunity as it can get and decency.

My decisions today will without a doubt affect my life 1, 5, 10 years from now. And as for the uncontrollable I pray you be gentle. And the controllable, I'mma tighten my grip. No tattoos or hair styles or cynicism or negativity are gonna keep me from doing me. I got plans. Shit to do. Moves to make. Trees to shake. Never was one did the fortune and game. But comfort and security go a long way as well and my unforseeable children will want for naught! And if they take longer come, I can live knowing that whenever they do, I'm ready.

Live for today but always have your mind on tomorrow.

It's always tomorrow, never yesterday.

Next stop. 30th street Philly.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Black Culture

I had a conversation with someone about a remark a professor once made which I seen as her being sneaky, trying to sneak-diss Black people. We were discussing some American religions and one that came up was the celebration of Independence Day. She then started to bring up some of the traditional celebratory things we do as a culture and shit like BBQing, fireworks, and drinking ice cold beer came up. No harm there until she blurted out "and you guys watermelon." Now I caught that light jab from this old stanking ass Jewish woman, but the rest of the class didn't seem to see anything wrong with it. I didn't open my mouth because just MAYBE she wasn't trying to be snarky and genuinely thought that all Black people ate watermelon on Independence Day, but being that the class was 90% African (like from Africa) and West Indian they didn't see anything wrong with her comment at all. See I'm West Indian myself, so I never understood the beef with watermelon comments until I lived in the southern part of America and realized it was somewhat of a racial stereotype. I mean I don't eat watermelon and the only people I saw eating watermelon was the people who I knew were raised in Black American households which wasn't many of my friends. Back to the person I had this discussion with, their perspective was that eating watermelon and chicken actually IS Black culture in America. Now the professor made the comment abut a week ago and now I'm not even offended by it anymore. When I look at Black culture in America it embodies every fucking stereotype that is out there, some by choice some are forced but they are present. I mean we cannot be the people who are on welfare the most we're like 15% of this country, but per capita we are the most represented. Per capita we've the highest dropout rates in high school and the lowest SAT scores, not solely our fault but this is a stereotype we don't seem to mind proving right. Per capita we've spat out the most single-mothers from our community, but that's not solely to sex mis-education because we have to factor in the unfair treatment of Black males in the judicial system via absurd jail sentences or law enforcement simply shooting us dead in the street. When I drive through White neighborhoods I dont see Kennedy, Crown, Kansas, American, etc... Fried Chicken, KFC, Churchs, or Popeyes on every other corner so I mean is it safe to say Black people like chicken like a motherfucker? Someone is going to misunderstand this blog and feel as if I'm hating my own people, but when I sit back and evaluate Black culture in America all I see is Eurocentric idealogies forced upon us being carried out and exercised. All the plans they had for us are working out for Them, not Us. We embraced everything they gave us and will fight tooth and nail to keep those oppressive practices thriving in our culture. I've never seen a Black Jesus in a White person's home, but a Black person will be quick to tell me it doesn't matter what race Jesus is with a White Jesus on their wall. Not trying to get too into the religious aspect of it, but that was just an example of Black culture embracing what we was given. I know that people eat chitterlings in the southern region of America still, but the ones I encounter are only the Black people. Not to say there aren't any White people who do, but the history of that nasty ass food comes from... Go look it up. So listen we like fried chicken and watermelon, but I'm also smart enough to know that every and anyone can and does enjoy those two foods. For it to be a stereotype, sure why not. It's moreso an American thing than a racial thing, but let's not act like Black people dont like chicken and watermelon. All the other stereotypes I mentioned, unfortunately we do represent them well and it's a fucking shame because of actually discrediting these as stupid assumptions about Us as a people by doing the total opposite, we'd rather excuse and explain them without a plan of action. Just a thought yall... Peace!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Stop Di Bloodclot Crying

I'm sick and tired of your fucking crying about inflation. When you complain about what you ain't got time for, yet will shake that ass to a rapper telling you what he got time and money for you look fucking crazy. Why are all the hit songs about shit we cannot afford as regular citizens? Why are we entertained by unrealistic notions? There used to be a time in this country when if shit didn't go the way we wanted, the people showed their ass and marched and/or even burned some shit down; what happened to that mindset? Where did the "fighting against the man" mentality go? Why are we so passive with all the outrageous shit that goes on in this country? I mean this is pre-molly so don't start blaming the youth of today, who are probably more rebellious than my parents' generation. Who dropped the ball here? Where did this complacent attitude come from? Another subway hike in NYC? No worries, we're going to pay it right? Right? Riiiiiiiiight, herbs...

Friday, March 1, 2013

No Such Thing As White Jesus

I find it bizarre and kind of fucking stupid how We as Black/African/African-American people will acknowledge (well some of us that are aware) that the FIRST man was an African man, but will cry and do the Harlem Shake in church catching the Holy Ghost because of some White man with long flowing brown hair with a well manicured goatee. I just don't see the logic in it, especially when we can go into the history books (no not your Bible) and figure out what exactly your Bible would be talking about if it were true. What I started to do was give people verbatim what in the Bible can be disputed and discredited but then I'd seem like a Christian hating Atheist. I'm not a Christian hater nor am I an Atheist (for those who think I don't believe in ANYTHING) which is pretty much the premise of this blog post. Who told you that YOUR belief is the right belief, a book that supports YOUR belief? Why can't we consider other beliefs and religions? How come it's Christianity/Judaism or the highway? What about Buddhist? What about Scientologists? Why do we have to be so certain about who or what we praise and thank for waking up instead of being grateful the Sun is doing it's job in nature providing trees with sunlight so we can get some fucking oxygen in our lungs to keep us alive? Why do we have to place a face/race/time on a savior instead of Us fixing what's wrong in society instead of just praying to something/one who may or may not be coming the fuck back to fix man-made troubles that literally kill us? Literally kill us... People are dying over religion y'all... We're savages, I don't give a fuck who you praise. If you're praying for troops to come home unarmed and for them to kill people who share different beliefs than you, you're a savage. If you feel like God hates people who share a different race/gender/sexuality/pay/education level/neighborhood than you, you're a savage. Religious texts are suggestions, nobody's God/Gods wrote them a person did. A person with a certain perspective and/or agenda wrote a pamphlet of guidelines and suggestions he/she felt was proper to instill within the persons dwelling this planet at a certain point and time. We can mix different fabrics of clothing, we'll be fine. A woman does not need to be stoned to death for commiting adultery if she is raped. These primitive ass notions being remixed to fit our society (some of them being the original version of themselvves as well) are bogus as fuck, because they are just tools to divide and conquer. Spread Love not Religion. No Such Thing As White Jesus.

Thank You Marchuary...

Boy was I sick & tired of reading about "respectable" Negro people that this society has deemed safe enough to celebrate in the shortest month of the year. I want to thank all my fellow Black people who unlike me, will no longer celebrate ANY Negro people for the next 365 days. See you guys are motivation, my fuel. The more I see how ignorant you are to Our history, the more I want to learn and spread what I learn to You and Others. See I get upset sometimes when my peers are too busy fawning over celebrity pregnancies, the latest viral sensations, and what the First Lady has on today, but I have to stay focused and realize that those distractions aren't for me. When I say that they aren't for me, it's me simply acknowledging that those are obstacles and weapons of mass destruction being used to deviate my attention from what I should be paying attention to. I cannot lie I'm late to the party, but better woke late than never. This later stage of my life has made others view me different, my new sense of pride has those trained to solely be proud in February think I'm "going too hard" or "practicing reverse racism" (whatever the fuck that is), so I get a lot of backlash when I come off as what you people call militant. I absolutely positively don't fucking care. Listen, you can have your month to celebrate the Negro people of this country who've made strides for the African American community (which are barely even noticed/celebrated), but see I've had enough White history decades ( I'm 30) so pardon my back while I celebrate some Black and African people for the next couple of decades. Peace!