Okay so this story may be a littled dated for those with the attention span of a mosquito, but this situation has changed the United States of America forever and you should be very afraid for several reasons. I'll try not to be long-winded with my fingers and get straight to the point(s).
The L.A.P.D. is a very corrupt police department and has been for decades. We as citizens (especially us brown ones) have always known this, yet the last time we had an organization to stand up to them they wee assassinated with bullets, assassinated with crack/cocaine, or exiled. We as a whole never took the initiative to ever reboot such a movement and the L.A.P.D. has run wild on us. Not only have they run wild, we've run wild on eachother. So to sit back and point the finger at the L.A.P.D. for all the unjusts in the Black community in Los Angeles county is ridiculous and hypocritical when the Black community is the leading cause for these unjusts. So that leads to the point that people who supported Mr. Dorner's crusade to wipe out cops and their family members is bullshit and y'all need to have a fucking seat fam. You don't get a point across murdering people if you want someone to stop being violent towards you unless you are DEFENDING YOURSELF. I mean was he even shooting crooked cops or just the ones he could find?
Secondly, in 2013 where they can find anyone anywhere why was there never any footage of a man running around shooting people? I mean I don't know about you guys, but I don't even 100% believe this story is real. We live in a time where EVERYONE is walking around with a device which can record, yet nobody could put my man Dorner on TMZ or Worldstar? I'm half-heartedly joking with that last statement, but the other half comes from a space in my brain that is dead ass fucking seriously asking where is the video or audio proof? The only proof we had of this man was his physical presence and now a fireproof California state drivers license? Yeah, I'm asking because I honestly don't know who the fuck the media and the government think they're talking to with this bullshit ass story and evidence.
So I briefly touched on the FIRE which was used to catch an alleged criminal. Since when is FIRE used as a tactic to catch alleged criminals? I cannot recall any when FIRE was introduced to law enforcement protocal when dealing with a SUSPECT. I mean this is America and all SUSPECTS are given a trial by jury and not judged by FIRE, correct? Then there's the authorization of drones used to hunt down this SUSPECTed killer of 3 people... I don't know about yall, but that shit has me scared to death. I mean NOW they're unarmed, but it is very much a possibility that in the near future these drones will go through yet another authorization process that will arm them. All the futuristic movies we saw and took as forms of entertainment with the government controlling the masses and oppressing the people with brute force is coming true. The storylines may not be exactly the same, but they're damn sure using storylines and fairytales to get their points across. So with all of that said, let me wrap this up and shit...
You're a savage if you rooted for a man executing people. You're a fool if you think a plastic/paper drivers license can survive a fire. You're not paying attention if you're not outraged by law enforcement using fire to kill a suspected killer. You just might be a sheep if you seriously dont think using drones to hunt down people/citizens is cool You just might be fucking "crazy "(like myself) if you think this whole Christopher Jordan Dorner debacle isn't made the fuck up and another fable used to pass some sort of legislation during your man's tenure. Zip it in and zip it out...
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