How can you deem something to be of lesser or no value using a system that does not benefit that thing you're evaluating? If I weighed a 50 dollar bill and a 50 cent coin, the coin would weigh more than the bill. Does that mean the coin is worth more? Humans tend to use human standards when evaluating something's worth such as animals and plants. Fine, an animal may not be able to build a cellphone or find multiple uses for the word "chair," but does that make them unintelligent or worthless? Read a comment online that really disturbed me... It was a picture of a cow being lifted by some sort of heavy machinery in a slaughterhouse. The photo was shared on so that one would feel empathy for the cow. Now I myself just recently started back eating (red) meat. The reasons are a whole nother blog post so I wont get into it here, but I understood the message of the photo and could definitely relate. A person who obviously didn't get the message being broadcasted says the following crazy ass comment: "cows cant talk or build houses, plus if they had the chance they would eat us." Cows eat grass yo...
See that kind of mentality, that ethnocentric attitude humans have about every other living thing in the world is exactly why the world is facing the environmental problems it is today. In New Jersey they have an annual bear hunt to keep the bears from wandering off into the residential areas. The bears were there first, not your condos... The residential areas are where-the-fuck-ever the bears see fit they can live. If anything, us puny humans should admire these "wild" animals who can survive the elements without a swanky overpriced apartment, internet, and cable TV. What would you do if you had to find your food everyday, instead of going to Trader Joes every once in a while? Creating supermarkets and restaurants are a very clever and convenient idea, but they do not make you civil. Especially when you delve into the restaurant business and see the millions of dollars worth of food thrown away nightly in America as opposed to feeding the starving homeless people wandering these roads paved of gold out chea... Back to the point though, animals, plants, and fish DO matter. NO, that "good" book was wrong, all these animals, plants, and fish are not here to serve you or for you to consume/deplete. We have a thing called an ECO-SYSTEM asshole.
The problem doesn't start nor stop with our assessment of animals, plants, and fish. We have this value system when it comes to other cultures amongst our fellow humans. I also refer back to this example, but to think the Native Americans sold Manhattan for some magic beans and 6 cents is absurd. Their concept of land and "ownership" is not one of the European viewpoint. The land is for EVERYONE to use, but be fruitful and do not diminish. Appreciate the land, for you cannot survive a day on this planet without it. The concept behind consuming and abusing land is quite arbitrary, idiotic even. Why exactly would I cut down trees which produces oxygen (which I need to breathe) to the point where there is a shortage? Why wouldn't I (not in a religious sense) praise that tree for giving me this very oxygen, providing fruits I need to keep my body strong, providing shade for those who lack melanin, providing shelter from the unbearable elements sometimes? Instead, we cut down trees to build luxury homes for those who already have homes. We'll cut down 50 trees, build a home, then plant 2 trees for decoration in front of the home. I do not see the logic in that... What's even crazier is that those who do see the logic in that find it somewhat primitive to value those trees and will dismiss that persons whole culture as pretty much being quite savage. Savage to the point where they do not matter and they'll exterminate those people, literally.
I challenge you all to find value in something or someone you was taught to actually be worthless, then RE-evaluate the source of information which told you that thing had no value. Peace!
1 comment:
Dame, I think most of us had to do that when we found value in ourselves. Ironically, that lesson didn't seem to be applied outward.
Sometimes I find myself a bit conflicting or even hypocritical. I'll value the environment and appreciate it and try to reduce my ecological harm, but then i wouldnt hesitate to kill a cockroach if i saw one scurrying across the floor in my apartment. very conflicting.
But yeah, we are one with everything around us. Ownership (of land, etc) is made for those who have no respect of others and things, and until everyone subscribes to mutual respect, concepts like that will continue to exist.
Everything is valuable in its own way. Even if it doesn't affect you, it being precious to the next person should make you respect it enough for it to have value in your own eyes.
The self-centered mentality is whats destroying this world. literally and figuratively.
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