Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I remember the first time I heard Nasty Nas rap "I never sleep, cuz sleep is the cousin of death." I didn't initially get it, but after hearing the song over and over I eventually got exactly what he was trying to communicate. At first I understood it as sleep being similar to death because of the peacefulness and how dormant one is at the time. Life lessons have taught me that sleeping or not paying attention to your surroundings, can lead to your untimely death. Lately, I've been up at the wee hours of the morning thinking, building, learning, contemplating every single thing I could think of and sometimes it's burdening. I don't mind the pressure, but I often over-think my way into and out of situations. It's a challenge for me to sometimes express my thoughts and I frequently find this journey as an exercise in futility. No matter how I word what I'm trying to proclaim, my way of thinking is quite misunderstood and against the norm. I'm fine with people really not understanding what I broadcast into the atmosphere, because in my eyes a lot of them are sleeping. I find it kind of ill that you and I can look at the same thing and have two completely different views about the situation. The problem occurs when popular opinions are being passed off as gospel, especially when they're influenced by those with an agenda. We're taught to be individuals when it's convenient, but as soon as your individuality rocks the boat you're discouraged from anything seperating you from the pact. I mean it's cool for people to gravitate towards one another because of similar interests, but no two people can think exactly alike on everything. The way we think should honestly have some influence from our emotions. Conditioning us to think with our brain (which are full of thoughts we've been taught to think) instead of our heart, administers a precedent in our lives from such a young age which teaches us to think ONE WAY. If we can only see things through one lense which happens to be the popular lense, we'll be forced to do thing ONE WAY until another lense's view is accepted. The world was flat. Now, the world is round. If they told us the world was square, who'd question it? When the people making up the laws are making up the rules on whether or not a law is lawful, the people are sleeping. Apply that knowledge to any scenario in life and enjoy, Peace!

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