Thursday, November 29, 2012
Uggins, Niggas, & Niggers
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Rappers: The Griots of my generation
Time and time again...
I don't like shit like "colored people time." I understand that there is a structure within this (slave) system we operate in which constricts time. We're never alloted enough time to do some shit which 99 out of 100 times NOT saving lives or changing the world; why are you working 60 hours a week crunching numbers for a firm that could crumble and nobody would die. I mean what's the big deal with getting to work on time? Fuck a 9-5, is the job getting done? Can't it wait til later? Can't I just do this at home? I'm sorry but I LOVE to study origins of shit and something like 'time' has always sparked my interest. Now ancient cultures (yanno the ones who created the concept of time) viewed time as neverending. I know that's some mindboggling shit being that we have like 2weeks left on this Earth if you ask the Mayans (who also felt like time never really ends). In fact, the Mayan calender isn't the same one we use now; the world ended almost 6-7 months ago counting leap years the Mayans had no idea about... Anyway! This concept of time we haved adopted as a race of humans is one of the shark-biting ass Europeans. How you acting like the originator and you a pump faker? How we just gonna accept this bullshit concept? Daylight savings, leap years, 28 days in a month? Cmon son... This all trickles down into our daily lives and we have people exhausting themselves to meet dumb ass fucking deadlines just because someone said so. Listen bro those TPS reports will get done, ha! Enjoy your life and time on this Earth because honestly NOBODY knows when this world will end, let alone your own personal world. Wristwatch or shackle? Anyway, check your ingredients. Peace!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Has the youth gone mad...
And as I stand by the door, expending great effort to camouflage myself against the cold, unforgiving steel—my only salvation for the next 15 minutes—I'm forced to endure the naked insolence characterized by obnoxious laughter and out-of-tune choruses to outdated songs bellowed at decibels far too loudly for the confines of this train car. These little...tyrants, presently "disturbing the peace" with their high-pitched cackles are wholly ignorant; oblivious to those around them in the midst of this commute—my commute—the one meant to bring me home to my loved one...and anti-bacterial hand soap. Their acute awareness of their own presence illicits various stares, snickers, and whispers, from those opting out of administering reprimand...myself included. I always find these unwarranted intrusions greatly annoying, especially the ones that dance and hang off the poles "like the monkeys we are said to be." But those interruptions are only momentary, fleeting, and before the migraine has opportunity to take root, they're done and off to annoy the denizens of the next train car.
This botheration brought by this group of delinquents, however, feels more like punishment. For finishing my work on time; for being able to leave the plantation at a reasonably human hour, in order to trudge along with a like crowd of strangers who are similarly at the mercy of mass transits' sketchy hiring policies. Daydreaming interrupted, I hear... "Ooh, a seat!" from one of the xy carriers, as he races to sit down, chivalry aside, casting no regard to any of the 4—ahem, females—in his entourage.
I just smh...
Unfortunately, this seat happens to be right next to me, and the door separating me from freedom, and now becomes the radius to the circle of uncultivated swine that's slowly closing in on me, as they gyrate and gesticulate in the face of someone's grandmother.
2 more stops...
The tasteless profanity and banal inside jokes slowly begin to dissipate as, one by one, the group begins to disperse during this seemingly neverending commute—my commute. I unconsciously draw closer and closer to the sliding, steel barricades standing in the way of me and the staircase that will thankfully replace my reflection in this glass. I ask myself "Were my friends and I like this?? At this age??" I feel sure enough to say "fuck no." I know, personally, I used to think that every "grown up" on the train was my mom's BFF and if they went back to her with news that I was carrying on with one iota of the trashy manner in which these pupils were, shit would get REAL when I got home!! N that fear was enough to keep me on the straight and narrow, especially in the streets. But clearly times have changed and basic mannerisms, such as chivalry, common sense and respect for oneself and your elders have ceased to exist—and in its place, we have...this.
Next stop, my stop
The moment I've longed for from the instant I left work and strode into the bowels of the concrete jungle that birthed me, is now upon me. Sketchy, abrupt halt as the doors open considerably quickly, and out and up the stairs I bolt, boo thang within grasp on the other side...and I reach...and we smooch...and he begins to say something I'm unable to register. He reaches towards me and I recede just a bit, confused as he takes out, my headphones...
The Young Black Youth...
Monday, November 26, 2012
Thanksgiving Slaughter-bration
We The Sheeple...
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Friends, Enemies, Homosapiens...Lend me your ears!!
This separation should exist in the aspects of one's life that weigh the heaviest or determine the most. In relationships, por ejemplo, you have the basic...give/take, sacrifice/compromise. But the defining characteristic behind making these adjustments is your reasoning. Is it to acquire what you want or what you need?? The difference... For some, it is as simple as deciding between what you can and can't live without. Exhibit A: "I can live with someone who doesn't have a car, but not with someone who doesn't have an education." Exhibit B: "I can spend my life with someone who can't cook, but not with someone who doesn't have manners." Exhibit C: "I can be with someone who's not D.D.G. (drop dead gorgeous) as long as they treat me right." What you NEED should supercede what you want (consider it a matter of life and death), and what you WANT will come to pass so much easier once your needs are met.
But even these simple examples, must be fine tuned over time. What you want/need from a relationship when you're 20, should not be exactly the same when you're 30. Via trial and error (I believe most call it "dating"), by 30 you should know what's working from what's not. What's healthy for you and what's not. Who's doing it for you and who's not, literally. Don't just live in "the weeds," letting life pass you by, racking up partners with nothing to show for it. Pay attention to the failures, fights, the arguing and the break ups, and find something to learn from them because there's a lesson in everything. Sift through the superficial, outer layers of B.S. and get to the heart of the matter, even if you come out realizing you're the one at fault. Take that realization and apply it, to life, work, relationships, whatever it is that means something to you.
And then keep it real...
Ladies, if you know you're a bitch, don't say you NEED a good guy, 'cuz we all know how that's gonna end. With you walking all over him and then getting bored. What you NEED is a man who likes bitches. They're out there!!
Fellas, if you know you're a dick at times, don't say you NEED a good girl/Christian woman. 'Cuz the ending to that...we've all seen on Snapped. What you NEED is girl who's attracted to assholes. They exist, I swear!
More to come....
Role Models
Imagine a whole generation of children without an abundance of positive males to look to for guidance in a societal structure built to destroy them; welcome to the fatherless 80s. This is a setting some of (y)our favorite rappers love to glorify and would love to see again, but the only problem is that it wasn't thriving. Well it wasn't thriving for folks like myself anyway. I walked to school stepping over crack viles just like any other kid born in the late 70s/early 80s, but it affected/effected us all the same yet differently. That outcome was all determined by our surroundings and influences... I hate to give those two variables all the credit, because add a little bit of common sense and accountability and you'll see two people come out of that situation completely different. No matter the neighborhood we all grew up in America and for the most part being that we are a product of the 80s, we've all been groomed to predominantly like the same things. A lack of a perspective which differs from the agenda which is forced on us leads us having the same tastes, for a great deal of reasons. One of those reasons is because we want to belong; what we want to belong to, who knows? We all develop these "common" interests influenced by outside influences which we have no control over and oops pow surprise, we fucking celebrate those who achieve the highest level of success in those interests we possibly do not have any genuine interests in... How crazy is that? This poison has been going on since floor model televisions all the way to mp3s and flatscreens. Decades of marketing to the masses as to what/whom we prioritize... We love shit that we love because we have been groomed to love that shit, and those who love it the MOST are the people we look up to. Damn... Check your ingredients and make sure you pour your own poison, Peace!
Reality Television
Remember when The Real World was basically the only form of reality television besides game shows? I mean my introduction to reality T.V. was shit like Double Dare on Nickelodeon, but who knew we'd spin that whole concept into a genre of television which has become the norm. It's gotten to the point where reality T.V. is miseducating the masses about a person or group of people. Stereotypes are either being built or reinforced and unfortunately a whole lot of naive and/or dumb people have access to remote controls and cable T.V. without the proper guidance or aren't fortunate enough to encounter multiples walks of life in this country. It's easy to squash said stereotypes by just meeting different types of people, but when you're born and raised in Mooseknuckle, Omaha and your introduction to Black Americans is Basketball Wives or Love & Hip Hop, that doesn't necessarily help you with judging people. I mean we all judge so peace out with that righteous bullshit, but to do so ignorantly is beyond me. Reality T.V. has turned into a tool for the closeted to make assumptions about flocks of folks whom they'll probably never meet in their lifetime; what happened to the entertainment? When I see shows like Saturday Night Live misrepresenting the citizens of say like a New Jersey, their go-to impersonations shouldn't be of a Jersey Shore reject. Although a lot of truth is said in jest, in this case the truth may be representing someone's own prejudices and assumptions. We went from green slime oozing out of huge ( faux Jewish) noses to grown women beating the living shit out of one another in front of cameras, why? Oh I know why; because fuck you that's why. You're gonna watch it anyway... Can't complain about these type of shows if you indulge. Check your ingredients before you find yourself on a television show embarassing your family for flashing lights and a couple of bucks. Peace!
Fast Food
Everyone loves to save time. I myself will spend extra money without hesitation to avoid layovers just so I'll reach my destination quicker so I wont have to wait. One thing I just cant/wont compromise when it comes to time is nutrition. An O.G. once taught me 'all money aint't good money' so I always find ways to apply that to everyday situations. One of those bad money things is fast food. I mean damn when you're caught up in the hustle and swing of things like a say NYC, you're always pressed for time. Finger foods or anything we can eat while NOT having to stop moving are always ideals because we live by this mantra of "the city never sleeps," and it ultimately effects/affects our diet. We are what we eat, literally. In 2012 when information is readily available and even unreliable sources like Wikipedia have some truth to them, I can't rock with someone just telling me "I didn't/dont know." That shit is absurd and we all know that fucking fast food is 100% here to harm us. I see time like others usually don't with my newfound respect to other cultures, so I find it hard to shove a fucking lab-made burger into my mouth because I am late for anything. So people please seriously, check your ingredients... Peace!
Thou Shalt Not...
As a youth I always felt like (modern) religion was quite bogus. For those of you who are still reading, let me explain. I never understood the concept of Heaven, Hell, and sin. If God loves everyone no matter what, why would he even consider sending us to Hell if the reason we sin is because he made us sinners? I've gotten the same rhetoric regarding that question, but none of the responses really answered my question. As I grew older and wiser I encountered other faiths and some were similar to what I grew up experiencing. Those encounters, whether through actual people and conversations or reading up on them, have shaped my entire perspective as to what the purpose of religion is and was. Many of them agree with my theory of religion being a very corruptive thing due to mankind, but they also believe it is because mankind corrupted it and not created it. Well then who created religion, someone's God? Since ancient civilizations human beings have needed a reason to explain the things they couldn't; usually these explainations were of some kind of divine happenings. Some of the early religions were (in my opinion) very genuine. Although sometimes there were alterior motives, there was a high level of spirituality present which was to promote prosperity for everyone and everything. Oneness with the Earth for example was highly promoted, which saw us human beings as part of the ecosystem which needed to thrive for us to live. That is the very opposite of this concept of believing every plant, animal, and fish is here to serve us. Another example was the belief in Goddesses. The value of women in modern religion has decreased and they're usually in a subservant role, no matter how they slice that McRib out of Adam. I mean those are two broad examples, but they aren't exclusive to just one religion. Those are actually some of the stepping stones to a lot of modern religions, mixed in with a little bit of prejudice and hate of course. Then we have good ol' sin. Sin sin sin sin mothereffing sin. I try to explain my perspective on sin and how they're just boundaries and crutches for people, but they often get offended. Before the Ten Commandments people knew not to kill eachother, no matter how many people went to war or just murdered others. In fact the church itself has been and is responsible for the slaughter for people daily. A couple of quick history lessons teach us that, so when we delve into religion and it's purpose and mix in a little bit of sin in there, we have to actually examine with a clear objective mind and determine what is their agenda? What has the church done with this weapon of mass destruction religion? In fact dont even worry about it, just go hang out in The Vatican. Oh wait, can you hang out in The Vatican? Nevermind, thou shalt no question thy hidden agendas. Check Your Ingredients before you overdose on someone's God, Peace!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Info Wars
The 2012 Election has turned the most novice mf'er in regards to knowledge of politics and policies, into CNN analysts. I find it cool though because it makes the people somewhat aware of what is going on. My only beef is when an opinion which is based on factual information is not a popular one, that opinion is often ridiculed by those ignorant to the information that opinion is based off of. Simply put how the hell can someone tell you what you're saying is wrong, if they dont even understand what you're saying??? Often I say things to people and my perspective is misunderstood and dismissed. I try to explain my opinion in the simplest form possible, but I often end up saying my favorite quote "I dont understand what you dont understand about what I said." It may sound arrogant, but anyone who knows me must know I seriously dont give a fuck. If the information I am basing my perspective on is wrong, I have no problem saying so. Noone is too big to admit when they are wrong, so stop-it-5. The worst shit is when debating/arguing with imbeciles whose view(s) are solely based off of opinion and emotion. Listen I get it you like ________ because they're a nice guy and all, but what about all these fucked up things they've been doing for the past decade bro? Information is everywhere and the sooner people are ready to look past the bullshit facade and flashing lights they are presented with on a daily basis which is soooooooo attractive, the sooner an objective opinion or perspective will be respected or a common one. I'm one that believes NOTHING trumps facts, and that's a fact. Check your ingredients yall, Peace!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Cuz I'm Black Yall
Friday, November 9, 2012
When I Die, My Seed Will Be Ill As Me...
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Global Warming for Melinated People
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Soldiers Story
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Healthcare VS Health
Election Day
So many times Black people in this country have historical-amnesia when it comes to showing their allegiance to a country. Sure We built this country, but this land is not Our's. Daily we are reminded we do not count in this society, yet I see Black "patriots" fighting tooth & nail to keep this American dream of a nightmare alive. We ignore the struggle and brush it off as a necessary fight although no other group of people had/have a plight quite like Our's besides the people native to America and they're damn near all gone. We let those Willie Lynch tactics effect/affect Us and even embraced them as remedies for problems we didn't even create. We'll blame the lack of Black fathers in our daughters' lives as a factor when it comes to teenage pregnancy, when it's not solely the Black father's fault he's not present and teenage pregnancy started with Massa raping Our teenage ancestors in the barn creating these light-of-skin Negro boys & girls whom We've been groomed to hate; where do you think Light versus Dark skinned people started in the Black community??? That shit is nuture not nature, but anyway... My whole premise is coming from an angle which is trying to force Black Americans with this patriotic bullshit attitude to seriously take a look into American History and exactly what it has done For Us and To Us. Check your ingredients before you rock that vote and be sure to hold that candidate accountable. Imma sit this one out, y'all have fun... Peace!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Black Hypocrites in Politics...
Friday, November 2, 2012
Dear New York City
You don't matter and I mean that with every ounce of love in my heart. The man running this city views you/us as dollar dollar bills y'all. So many times we actually expect this dictator of a mayor to show a heart for our children, our poor, our less fortunate, etc... Why? When has he shown a sense of urgency when it comes to the misfortune of the residents here? I come from a poor neighborhood which has been overlooked until newly gentrified. I'm used to not mattering being that my neighborhood was undesired until it was discovered as cheaper than Manhattan and 20 minutes away via mass transit. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy I see more and more that it's not just my neighborhood. It used to be a "race" thing in NYC, now it's a dollar thing. The debut of the Brooklyn Nets playing against their new rivals the NY Knicks was canceled due to the lack of transportation, yet the Barclays Center wasn't used as a shelter. Why? NYC Marathon is going on and Central Park has generators for the runners this Sunday, while countless residents do not have power. Why? NY Knicks opening their season at the world famous Madison Square Garden, yet not once was it used for shelter during the past several days while locals remained homeless. Why? I know why... We don't care that's why. Maybe if we cared about the welfare of eachother everyday, travesties like this one would be handled a lot better. Since we don't matter to eachother, we will never matter to those who are supposed to care about our issues and well-being. Nevermind, another fight just broke out at a gas station in Brooklyn for overpriced gas... Stay classy New York.